Thursday, May 17, 2012

May 17, 2012


I just want to say how wonderful it was to talk to you all on Mother’s day!!! I am so glad to hear you wore your lei to church too!! Oh and I got your letter from FHE that was signed by everyone! That was so fun!! Thank you for doing that! Please thank everyone for that! It sounds like everyone is doing well and I wouldn't want it any other way! I am so grateful for the wonderful family we have! I feel so blessed to be in our family!
So a few of the highlights of this week (other than calling home of course) were:
We rode bikes and wore these ridiculous helmets and we saw so many people we teach and someone we know found it so humorous he pulled over and took a picture of us : ( haha Oh great! No, but it was so fun-we rode on the most beautiful bike path! There was the ocean on one side and the mountains on the other side!! How I love Hawaii!
 We took a family through God's Plan (it’s that 15 min. walk through video they have at temple square) and at the end the spirit was so strong we asked if we could kneel and pray for their family right there. It was awesome. I fell in love with their whole family instantly! We also were walking down the street the other day and met someone that we were able to talk to. Anyways we asked if we could pray for him right there at the bus stop and bless him with help in his life and he said yes. I love being a missionary! When in your life can you just walk up to people and pray for them and it is acceptable behavior. It was so sweet! 

We were able to set up an appointment with a person we have been trying to meet with for a while. Yea.
We went to lunch today and the owner said it was on the house and that we are welcome to eat their for free any time we want! The members here are soooo nice! Where ever we go people always wave and say “Hey Sisters!” And, man, I just love them! 

But yes those were a couple of the highlights of the week and there were many other wonderful parts of the week but there's just not enough time to write them all down. I did want to mention though that tomorrow is Mission Tour so we are having Elder Wilson come speak to us! (He spoke in General Conference.) I'm sure we will learn so much! I'll let you know next week how that all went. Well I love you a whole whole bunch and hope you are doing great back in Idaho!
Sure Love Ya!!!!
Sister Christiansen

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