Wednesday, March 28, 2012

AALLOOHHAA!! This has been a wonderful, wonderful week! First I must say I am so so so stoked for Logan!!!! I seriously can't think of a better place for you to serve-you will be a bomb missionary!!! Man you are going to do so much good Logan!! I am so blessed to have you as an example! You will love the life of a missionary! Glad to have you here on God's team! Next, Amy- I am glad to hear you are feeling better! I can't wait to hear if you are having a boy or girl!! Hmm.... I think you will have a boy? IDK but let me know for sure when you find out! And I would love to see the ultra sound pictures too-that was so fun!! Speaking of infants how is Calene? I can't wait to see her little baby! Alright, so Becky- I haven't heard of the pretenders but it sounds good. What about hunger games did you see that one? How was it? Ann- So first that made me just about cry (in a happy way) when I read what you wrote about my cute little nephew already thinking about where he will serve haha that is so dang cute! I think his sister is right too you should all go : ) haha Oh and hey I tried your SD card and nothing came up : ( so I don't know?) I will send it back and you can put some pictures and stuff on? I would love to see the little guys! K and last thing Ann, so we have people watch Mormon messages all the time at the VC and there is a way good one about being a mom. It’s called Stephanie Nielson's story, would you watch it and let me know what you think? I know you will love it! Grandma C- I looked everywhere for the keys  :( No luck. It’s ok though, everything will work out.) We did get a spare from the mission office so we do have our car back so that’s good. Holli- I don't know about the Peter thing I just think if you don't say anything about it, it's probably fine because time will just take care of itself. Cami K- I just have to say that you are so cool! I can't wait to hear where you are going! Let me know when you find out!

Alrighty, well this week has been so great-let me just tell you what! So we had our first lesson with our investigator which went well. We taught her the first half of the Restoration, a little about the Book of Mormon, gave her a copy, and then asked her to be baptized and she said she would in the future. So that is kinda like a luke-warm answer right? I mean I am way happy that she at least isn't opposed to the idea and that she can see it happening sometime but we really need to set a date so that she can be serious about it you know. But ya still it was good.

On Saturday it was so cool S. Chen and I got to go with a Sr. couple to the PCC to eat at the Island Feast and watch the dinner show!! That was so rad! I guess that we get to go at the first of our mission and then again at the end of our mission so that was way way fun! They are so talented and it just made me fall even more in love with the culture and the people here! I love the Polynesian people! I uploaded some pictures of that night so I hope that works.

Alright now for the miracle of the week!!!! So we went to our other investigator’s work on Wed to eat lunch and we finally were able to talk to her, which was so good, but she said that her mom has been freaking out. I guess she followed her to her RM boyfriend’s house and was yelling at both of them. And she has been putting mean things up on FB and everything. Her grandpa even said she wouldn't be his sweet heart anymore. So basically it was a really really bad situation and she said she just wants to lay low and she will call us when she wants to meet again. So we were so bummed and I couldn't see how she would ever want to be baptized now with all this going on. But the next day we were in the vc writing in our journals and I was just thinking about her and what we could do to help strengthen her faith. Because if she has a strong enough testimony she would be willing to be baptized whether or not her family approved right? Because, if she truly understood how important it is and the blessings that will come to her and her family, she would do anything to be baptized. So I was sitting there and the thought came to me, duh, it’s the Book of Mormon that helps us gain that strong testimony! So I turned to S. Looney and I said “K if she can't find time to meet with us she should at least be reading the Book of Mormon every day.” And S. Looney said “wow I was just about to say that!” haha INSPIRATION! So I called her and I was just going to leave her a message because I knew she would be at work but she answered and she said she was just about to call us. And she said she was wondering if she could see us tonight. Of course we were all about that idea and then she said “and hey you know what I have been thinking about it and my mom is never going to be ok with me getting baptized but I know it’s true and this is what I need to do. So is it ok if we do it in April?” I WAS SO SO SO HAPPY!! WOW truly a miracle! So we met with her and set a date! She is being baptized on April 14!!! That will be seriously one of the best days of my life! I just want it to hurry and come though, man it will be a relief when it’s just a done deal. I am nervous that something will try and get in the way again. But no I must have more faith! Yes this will happen! Keep praying for her!

Ok last thing I want to say is yea for General Conference! I am so excited! We are watching it at 6 am too so we will get to see it live and be doing exactly what you are all doing! That is a way cool thought!!! I am so excited to hear what the Prophet has to say! I know that he truly speaks the word of God! I just want to invite all of you to have a question in mind as you listen to conference because I know that if you do it will be answered! K well I love you soooooo much! Have a wonderful week!!! Next time you hear from me we hope our other investigator will have a baptismal date!!! I hope I hope I hope!

Love, Sister Christiansen : )

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