Monday, February 27, 2012

February 27, 2012


 So today Sister Jackson left! And lots of the other elders that are off to Texas: (it is so sad to see my district leaving but so so so happy for them! This week has really felt like the end because we have had all these departing devotionals and stuff. We had what’s called “in field training” on Friday which I really liked! It got me so pumped to get out there! Oh just send me to Hawaii! (haha) Those are my feelings these days. But all is well because at least it will change up a little this week. I will get to go to Temple Square on Wed. for a couple hours and then again on Sat. so I am stoked for that! Pray that I will see Jan! I hope I hope I hope, that would bring so much joy to my soul haha.

Ok so it is so hard to try and sum up a whole week here in just a short email, so Mom I am going to write you a letter too k and I'll send home my SD card so you can post some pictures and then send it back so I can take more please : )

I would like to say Happy Birthday to Grandpa and Aunt Nicole and if there is anyone else having a birthday this week HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I love you all and I know we have a lot of family with birthdays in Feb. so “happy birthday” to anyone I missed. I'm really sorry if I did, but just know I love you all.

So this last week was a way fast and wonderful week! On Sat. we all took pictures and had a testimony meeting with just our district. I sure love them all! Sunday we had a member of the General Primary Presidency teach out RS, which was so great. Man am I blessed, right? I mean the people you meet here, wow, talk about amazing. And the fireside last night was so so great! He talked about how no matter what, you will be remembered for something on your mission. So we need to decide what we want to be remembered for. He gave some examples from his mission like the missionary that was most obedient, hard working, etc. I decided that I want to be remembered as being the most loving because that is a weakness I have. I don't feel like I love as deeply as others and I know that if I could, life would be richer. Not only would really being able to love and have charity bless me as a missionary to connect and teach my investigators but It will really help me be a better wife and mother. And I was thinking a lot about my weaknesses and the things I would need to change to be more loving and I think I need to be more humble, selfless, and patient. I knew those were my weakness but they become more apparent on the mission, so I am going to work really hard at them. I know it’s a big step to go from where I am now, to becoming one of the most loving missionaries in my mission, but he said it could be done. And I figure, if ever I am going to change my nature, it could be done on a mission where the spirit is so strong and you are growing so close to the Lord. I know he can help me. I hope when you see me next you will notice a change in me. That is one thing I have thought a lot about this week. I guess I kind of thought once I put on the name tag all of a sudden I would be all these things that I wanted to be. That magically I would be more spiritual and loving and all that but I have realized that I am still just me out here and if I want to change then I have to start doing things differently.

Really quick I want to respond to some of you. Caitlyn Graves haha I love saying that! - Thanks for your dear elder note. I am so happy for you and Devin! Congrats again! Ann- Thanks for the updates on the kids, it sounds like the teeth are coming in nicely and I hope all goes well with David's interview! Keep me updated. I love hearing your stories. Grandma C- Thanks for the email. How awesome that Uncle Steve is in Ireland! Wow so great! Also I hope the baby blessing went well! Grandma S- Thanks for the letter! It sounds like you had an adventure getting back from AZ! I am glad to hear you are home safe and sound! Rick- thanks for sharing some of your insights from Devo and stuff, those are always nice to hear! Holli- Thank you so much for your letter It meant a ton! I was screaming when I read a certain section haha keep me updated! Also if you haven't been able to see the blog, will you call my mom and let her know. Thanks! K well I love you all and I would really love some dear elders this week if that’s ok because all of my district will be leaving and I would love to hear from you all!

I want you to know I love you all so much and I am so so so happy to be here! This place is amazing I feel like I am one of the X-men. You know, haha, where they all get trained and instead of everyone using different powers all over the place, you have people bearing their testimonies in different languages and people getting ready to go all over the world. This place is so rad when you really think about it!

K, so last thing, in our district we have become so deprived of entertainment that one day we were just sitting there telling Chuck Norris jokes and I decided I am going to send home an "Elder Norris" joke every week : ) haha. You guys will probably think they are lame but I love them. hehe

Elder Norris joke #1: Lord Voldamort refers to Elder Norris as He Who Shall Not Be Named. hehe I know that is so dumb, but you know me and Harry Potter so I was cracking up at this one! Ok well stay tuned for next week’s joke!

Love you all!

Sister Christiansen

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