Thursday, April 19, 2012

April 19, 2012

Aloha to the best Family ever!!  

Well, Julia is BAPTIZED!!!! YEA! Best news ever right! But man oh man was it the most stressful day of our lives! I thought it was going to be this beautiful, spiritual, peaceful day haha no way. It was the craziest weekend ever. We learned some really good lessons though about planning a baptism. Also, of course the day of Julia's baptism there is a huge Polynesian celebration going on in the gym and so right until it started there was loud music and dancing. As it got closer and closer to three we were really starting to worry. There was no way we were going to be able to have the baptism with all that noise in the background. Luckily it stopped right in time but the next stressful thing was the fact that Pres. Dalton was going to be at our Baptism. That was way way intimidating! Especially because while Julia was changing it was our responsibility to teach the restoration. So I was really nervous to do that-let’s just say it was the most humbling day of my mission so far and I have had many humbling days. Plus we had forgotten to ask someone to be the second witness but we had Devin do it last min. And then because Sun. was stake Conference she isn't going to be confirmed until this Sun. so let’s just hope that happens right? 

Ok I need to breathe. Yes that was a stressful weekend but all is well. She has been baptized. We made a lot of mistakes and learned a lot of lessons. But it’s all good. 

Next order of business: We finally met _____! Do you remember her? Lacy Crout's friend- the member who gave us the referral? Ya well Monday night we had dinner with Lacy, her husband, and her friend and she is such a sweetheart! I love her already! She said that the Book of Mormon has brought a lot of peace to her and she even teared up a little when we showed her the Mormon message, “Lifting Burdens." So that was awesome, the only thing is she said she gets really nervous about meeting people and so the idea of going to church with us next Sunday freaked her out. But we want to see if maybe she would want to go hiking with us and two girls from the ward on our next pday (which is Wed, now by the way. We just started a new transfer so our Pday was switched to Wednesdays.) So we are hoping that will help her feel more comfortable and that way she can get to know the ward right away. I'll let you know how that goes. 

Alright what else? So many things hmmm... Well stake conference was amazing! Pres. Dalton spoke and got everyone pumped up for missionary work! That was awesome! Elder Whiting’s talk was amazing too! He spoke about the scripture when the guy thinks he is living all the commandments and then asks Jesus Christ "What lackest I?" and then Christ asks him to give up all his worldly possessions but he isn't willing to do that. And it just made me think a lot about the weaknesses I have and why I am holding on to them and how I can turn them over to the Savior and make them into strengths. It was a great talk! All of the talks were awesome! I have so much to work on. That is something I am reminded of every day on my mission.

Ok well I have to go but I love you so so so much! And mom I am sending home a letter with my SD card so expect that! And this is a plea for letters haha I would love love love to hear from some of you. And Miss Holli that means you too! I have written you two letters sister! I would love an update on your life!

I hope everyone's finals went well! 

Love you!!!!

Sister Christiansen

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