Monday, February 13, 2012

On Mon, Feb 13, 2012 at 8:03 AM, Cami Christiansen wrote:

Family and Friends!! Ok, so first off I just want to say that I love Heavenly Father! I love my life! and I love, love, love being a missionary! This is so great! It reminds me a lot of EFY haha we are in classes all day but they are awesome and our district is way tight! Three districts make up a zone here and I have been called as a coordinating sister which is like a zone leader of the sisters but it just feels alot like RS president haha because you still have branch council on Sunday and you have meetings with the MTC Presidents' wives and the other CS's. I will have 5 new sisters coming in on Wed so that is exciting and I just lost 4 so that is kinda sad. But I am kinda scared to give them the tour and teach the incoming sisters how everything works here because I still don't really know and I always get lost haha good thing for my comp Sis. Saal. She is our navigator its crazy she is so good with directions. she is from Utah and going to Canada. I have another compe too because I am in a trio. Her name is Sis. Jackson she is from Arizona and going to Texas. I haven't met anyone going to Hawaii yet but I am sure one of the sisters coming in next week will be. I just love them both tho so much!  
Its crazy how close you can get to people in only a few days. They are simply wonderful! I think the hardest part so far is just watching the poor young elders in my District adjust to being away from home. Most of them are fresh out of HS and haven't ever lived away from home. We have one Elder who has been way homesick but as a district we have a lot of pow wows trying to help him out. It's hard though because I am not sure where the balance should be between being compassionate and listening without dwelling on home you know because we are on the Lords time and I just hate feeling like we aren't being productive or taking advantage of the time we have to study you know? So if anyone has any advice on that please let me know.  
Also I want to thank you all for the dear elder letters it has been so kind of you but I am thinking that if its ok with everyone it would probably be best to just write once or twice a week because one of the Sister's hasn't had any letters and I think it makes her feel bad when I get letters and she doesn't. I'm sure she will get letters but at least for this last week it made her more homesick when she didn't get any. Sorry is that ok? Don't feel like I don't love you all and want to hear from you all I just don't want to make it harder on her. Thanks so much! 
Ok so next hmm... Well I have amazing teachers! Sis Latoo IS Alyssa Woodhouse haha do you remember my RS Pres I told you about mom that was amazing! Well my teacher reminds me so much of her! She looks like her, talks like her, and is a spiritual giant just like her! I love her! And my Branch Pres. Is the greatest man ever! Just getting to listen to him in Branch council was like drinking from a fountain of knowledge haha he knows so much and has the best insights to share! Also our District leader reminds me so so so much of Ethan Hall! He is so great! He looks alot like Ethan and has similar manerisms. 
I want you to know I am so happy here and I love it so much. There is no other place I would rather be then right here right now! Its so fun to because I run into people I know all the time and everyone is so friendly it feels like BYUI again : )
Holli- there is an Irish Elder here and his accent is the coolest ever!! You will fall in love with the accent out there! Also I want you to know this place is a party! Its the bomb here and you will love it!
K I love you all and hope you are doing well!! Have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. Cami - or cami's mom. Is there anyway of Finding out that Sister's name? I would like to write her a letter if possible!

    -Cami Kuhns
